
Everything we feel happens only inside our heads. Every experience we have takes place only inside our heads, never outside of it. Things that are happening outside (our heads) are not our experience. Our experience is inside ourselves and is made of our own interpretations of “what’s going at this time.” No one could ever experience your experience. 


Thoughts are not truths or statements. Thoughts are our explanations of what could be happening outside our minds. Thoughts are ways of making meaning of our experiences; they are not The experience. 

Many thoughts are created automatically in our minds, and we believe they are true; they are The reality, whether they are correct or incorrect. Your brain doesn’t know what is right and what is not; it can only COMPARE with what it already knows “to be true or false”… Your brain can not help but learn. 

Be aware: Thoughts cause feelings. While feelings happen in our minds from emotions, they can also be created by thoughts. 


The term emotion comes from the Latin emotĭo, -ōnis que, which means the impulse that induces action. Emotions are reactions to external stimuli or to feel themselves. Emotions are of the body, while feelings are of the mind. A feeling is a mental representation of the state of the body. 

Positive emotions are signaling a fulfilled need. They bring a sense of aliveness from a biological plane.  

Negative emotions are energy without code; they signal an unmet need. 

Thomas Merton put it brilliantly: “All things are symbolic by their very nature and all talk of something beyond themselves” 

We may spend effort trying to solve the issue that we are seeing or spend that energy on creating a new perspective where that issue may not exist or be different or create something extraordinary instead. 

I know, I get it; it happens to me as well: to get caught up and twist the logic as too simplistic. This logic does not mean that for anything that you don’t like, by merely thinking, another thought will not exist anymore or will become that thought. It means that by changing your thought, you are changing your experience, and with a different experience, you will behave (be and do) differently, and some behaviors will bring up better results.

Don’t fight the facts, fight your response, change your thoughts for a more useful one, and `your experience will change.

You get what you do 

We are judge by our actions, not our intentions (your behaviors, not your thoughts).

There IS a recipe for almost any outcome you want. The ingredients you need might be hard to get, as letting go of anger, or learning to forgive, or accepting a given outcome. However, there is a recipe for that dish. 

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi.