offered programs

Creating Your Impossible Project.

Do not keep improving: Transform, disrupt, innovate yourself. There is power and magic embarking on your Impossible Project.

We’ll work together designing and achieving your biggest project yet. Focusing on the Psychology of Possibility, your Meaning in life, and your Will power to achieve your vision.

“The electric light did not come from the continuous improvement of candles.” Oren Harari.

Programa es Español!


El camino a la atención plena y el amor innato.

El Momento Presente es el (unico) lugar desde donde se crea toda tu realidad:

Tus relaciones, tu vida laboral/familiar, tus logros y fracasos, el impacto que generas en el mundo… Todas tus experiencias se generan de tus pensamientos y de las acciones que tomas (o no tomas) a partir de ellos.

Todo sucede en una fila de “infinitos” momentos uno detrás del proximo.

Solo estando completamente presentes podemos vivir la vida que deseamos y ser la persona que queremos ser.

The MAP Program:

Meaning, Adventure & Passions.

Viktor Frank said it beautifully: the meaning of life is to give life meaning. Living with more adventure and using your true passions is a proven and effective way to live in a quest for meaning. 

“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of  selfish little clod of grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy…” George Bernard Shaw.

The WAM Program: 

Willpower, Achievement & Motivation.

Working in our talents we develop a skill: [Effort x Talent = Skill]

Effort using skills shape our achievements: [Effort x Skill = Achievement]

The fuel for sustaining Effort comes from Motivation. The best strategies to persist in our goals and make the best use of our skills come from Willpower.

We will work with the latest tools from motivation and willpower science to find your real motivators, develop the right habits, and achieve results you have never seen before. 

Using your best to make you better.

1:1 High Achievement Coaching

Your brain can not help, but learn.

Our mind cannot help us solve problems; what we can do is to learn: creating new brain connections we can outgrow the ways we see the world; issues crumble, new opportunities appear, and you develop better alternatives, take better decisions, and more effective actions. 

Your awareness will go from “the world around you,” to “the world you choose to create”