The WAM Program: Willpower, Achievement & Motivation.

Achieve incredible goals. Find your motivators.Train your willpower.

It’s two in the morning…

Will you complete that presentation, or

will you give up and go to sleep?

Will you persist in your workout routine /networking/writing/eating healthier…or will you call it a quit?

You are not the only person who faces dilemmas like these; we all do.
Significant achievements require to push for the long term outcome OVER the short term return.
The long term is foggy and uncertain. Instead, short term is usually easier, tangible, and Readily Available … 

Self-control is challenging, and everyone struggles with it—however:

No self-control, no extraordinary achievements.



As the saying goes, “We are not judged by our intentions but by our actions.”

How do we find the willpower to do what we will be happy about tomorrow and avoid things we regret?

Achievements work the same way; it is not about what we want, wish, or like to do. It is about what we effectively do and how we show up in the world—day in and day out. You don’t become a Doctor, grow a business, or launch a school by only thinking about it.
Your achievements depend primarily on the effort you put into using your skills, with persistence in the long run and determination to stay on track.


Achieve incredible goals. Find your motivators. Train your willpower.

In this program, we will work together, discovering your most significant projects from getting a promotion, changing careers or doing philanthropy, running a marathon, or crossing the Himalayas.

  • You will get in close contact with your “Why,” IS this important for you, and discover your real motivators.
  • You will develop and grow your willpower. Using insights from psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, and behavioral economics, you will identify how to break old habits and forge new ones, resist temptation, and pursue goals effectively and backed up by science.
  • Throughout the process, you will learn about the science of self-control and will put empirically-supported strategies in practice to achieve your goals and anything in your life.

i want the Wam!

Tell me Where are you in your path?. What have you tried so far?

I’ll contact you back & we’ll bring it form there.

15 + 4 =