The map program Meaning, Adventure & Passions

A program to Living a Fully Explored Life


The direct and constant search for “being happy” could make you discontent, sad, and even miserable.
Instead, a quest for meaning could bring a more profound sense of fulfillment.


It is possible to find your meaning in life by working on 4 pillars:



Meaningful Connections. 

Know Yourself


Using your strengths to make a difference in the world will unlock your generosity, willingness to create and to contribute.


Nurturing a sense of belonging by creating relationships based in love, acceptance, and kindness. 


“The Engaged Life”. Connecting to something greater than yourself through art, music, religion is an incredible driving force.

Know Thyself:

Knowing yourself you’ll craft the story of your identity. As the author, you constantly update your self-concept and the narrative about you. 

“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life.
It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”  – Joseph Campbell


Adventure experiences put your values into action.

Living with more adventure means a willingness to accept risks, to have No-control over the final results, and to focus on the process (it does not imply imprudence or disconnection with the outcome). 

Adventures involve challenging ourselves or trying out something new in life. Along with it, adventure expands and broadens our minds and makes us learn new & unique things (the type we didn’t know we didn’t know) 

Adventure is a beautiful way to living a fully explored life: Enjoying the process, not focusing on the outcome. Having constant opportunities to display our values, our passions, and feel every emotion that arouses, deeply, as they are. 




Using your  passion is to me, to tap into a force that makes us become driven beyond our usual control.

Driven by passions allows being in the flow, often. 

However, passion is a resource, not a force already good or bad in itself. We should learn how to use them and put to work to create outstanding value. 

i want the map!

Tell me Where are you in your path?. What have you tried so far?

I’ll contact you back & we’ll bring it form there.

1 + 11 =

I want to get on The MAP!

Wonderful!.... taking steps to live to your fullest... 

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